Hi everyone

I am Sergey Nagornykh, a front-end developer with over 5 years of experience, specializing in React and Vue.

Inspired by the development of modern front-end technologies, I try use contemporary approaches and best practices to create interactive applications. Also, i follow for code quality/performance. I enjoy exploring new tools and strategies to enhance the development process and achieve result

Languages: Typescript/Javascript

Web frameworks: React, Vue, Nuxt

API: Rest/GraphQl/Websocket

React ecosystem: React Router, Formik, Apollo Client, Mui

Vue ecosystem: Vue Router, Vue CLI, Vuex, Pinia, Vue Test Utils, Vite, Vitest, Vue Apollo, VueUse, Vuelidate, AgGrid

UI skills: Html, Sass, PostCSS, TailwindCSS, MaterializeCSS, Flexbox, Grid, Responsive design

Template engine: Pug, Nunjucks

Tools: Eslint, Prettier, Stylelint

Bundlers: Vite, Webpack, Gulp

Email / Telegram / Github / CV